Legislation Commission

FIVA'S Legislation Commission aims to ensure that national and international legislation does not adversely affect owners of historic vehicles and the use of these vehicles on public roads.

Legislation Commission News

The FIVA Legislation Commission

FIVA’s Legislation Commission is tasked with ensuring that changes to national and international legislation do not adversely impact historic vehicles and the rights of owners to use these vehicles on public roads. In particular, the commission monitors the following areas of interest:

  • Vehicle registration, customs and taxes
  • Road-safety regulations (e.g. traffic rules and roadworthiness testing)
  • Environmental regulations (e.g. low-emission zones and end-of-life)
  • Regulations regarding resources and materials (e.g. petrol, chemicals, chrome, asbestos, and legal aspects regarding the availability of parts)
  • Licensing and other regulations regarding permission to drive and use historic vehicles (e.g. the difference between private and professional use)

Historically, the commission has concentrated on EU legislation but, since countries outside Europe have seen the value of this work and the importance of monitoring changes in legislation, it has become a forum for sharing information about developments worldwide. The commission is supported by the activity of individual member nations and by EPPA, a firm of consultants based in Brussels and London.

Aims and Objectives of the Commission

The Legislation Commission is responsible for achieving FIVA’s primary task – that is, to uphold the right to preserve and use historic vehicles worldwide. It does this by:

  • Building an understanding of the historic vehicle movement through knowledge-sharing and undertaking research
  • Monitoring and assessing regulatory developments at the national, EU and global level, and maintaining a dialogue with decision-makers (the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament, member state governments, civil servants and the UN)
  • Presenting FIVA’s concerns and solutions to the relevant decision-makers
  • Issuing EU updates to FIVA members approximately 10 times per year
  • Distributing information on national developments once a year
  • Maintaining contacts with related organisations
  • Conducting surveys on statistical, political and legal matters
  • Initiating and coordinating lobbying actions, making use of a network of FIVA members’ representatives

Commission Meetings

The Commission meets three to four times a year. Each member has responsibility for a specific policy sector or area of expertise.


Members of the FIVA Legislation Commission


Lars Genild – Denmark
E-mail: here

EU Public Affairs Advisors

  • Gabriel Lecumberri – ES – EPPA
  • Carlos Sokol-Szain – ES – EPPA

Commission Members

  • Giuseppe Dell’aversano (I)
  • Wolfgang Eckel (A)
  • Carla Fiocchi (I)
  • Johann Koenig (D)
  • Stan Minarik (CZ)
  • Bob Owen (GB)
  • Kurt Sjoberg (S)
  • Loic Duval (FR)
  • Michail Filippidis (GR)
  • Bert Pronk – Netherlands – FEHAC
  • Peeter Henning – Belgium – BFOV


FIVA‘s guide for Historic Vehicle Owners

This Guide is produced by the FIVA Legislation Commission to assist ANFs of European Union Member States in responding to issues created in their member State in complying with  Directive 2014/45/EU on periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers.

The Directive has been published in the Official Journal L 127/51 of  29.4.2014 of the European Union and all Member States must implement its requirements. The Member States have 3 years from the date of publication in the Official Journal in which to incorporate the provisions of the Directive into their domestic laws and 4 years from that date to bring these changes in their laws into force.

The Directive sets out standards both for the performance of road-worthiness testing and for the standards which vehicles much reach. It also grants the Member States a right, but not a duty,  to exempt “vehicles of historic interest” as defined in Article 3.7 of the Directive, from the requirements of this testing.

FIVA recommends that ANFs ensure that their Member States do exercise their right to exempt vehicles of historic interest from the application of the specific testing requirements of the Directive and that their law applies the most favorable and appropriate definition of a vehicle of historic interest within the parameters of Article 3.7.

The Guide takes readers through the terms of the complete Directive and makes certain recommendations so that all aspects can be put into context. Any ANF having difficulty in interpreting the terms of this guide is advised to contact the FIVA Legislation Commission whose members will be happy to provide further advice if requested.



Legislation Commission