Czech Republic
FIVA member since: 1970

FKHV ČR – Federace klubů historických vozidel České republiky z.s., (FEDERATION OF HISTORIC VEHICLE CLUBS OF CZECH REPUBLIC)

Contact Details:

Nad Okrouhlíkem 11, 18100 Praha, 8 CZECH REPUBLIC

Czech Republic
FIVA member since: 2024

Asociace klubů historických vozidel z.s. - AKHV (The Association of Historic & Classic Vehicles Clubs)

Contact Details:

Na Strži 1837/9, Praha 4, 140 00

The Association of Historic & Classic Vehicles Clubs
The AKHV (Association of Historic Vehicle Clubs) is a non-profit civic organisation. The AKHV pursues the following objectives:

·         To bring together owners of historic vehicles and their local clubs in a single association

·         To cooperate with state institutions in the area of pertinent legislation to enhance and ensure road safety for historic vehicles

·         To support and coordinate the holding of gatherings, meetings and contests of historic vehicles which are organized
by the member clubs

·         To cooperate with similar associations in the Czech Republic and around the world.

·         To ensure testing of hitoric vehicles in compliance with FIVA Technical Codex and Czech National law.


The AKHV is a successor organisation of the Historic Vehicles Commission, which conducted its activities in the former UAMK from
as early as 1966. Members of the Commission maintained an unchanging interest in becoming a member of FIVA (the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens). To achieve this goal, therefore, the association had to file for the status of a legal entity
and have its own independent administration and bookkeeping. Meeting these goals, the AKHV was proudly founded on 26 June 1996 in the town of Pacov. Through the adoption of its statutes, the AKHV espouses the ideas of FIVA.


The AKHV linked up to previous work of the Historic Vehicles Commission within the UAMK CR and took over its activities many years ago..

The AKHV already embraced more than 30 historic vehicle clubs with more than 2000 members while continuing to grow. Each year, the AKHV organizes regular training courses for the testing specialists of the particular clubs to enhance the quality of the historic vehicles testing processes.


The AKHV member clubs hold more than 60 events every year (touring assemblies, regularty rallyes and contests), which are carefully prepared under high quality standards. The AKHV association is open to all clubs who are interested in the historic vehicle movement, and offers help and advice to those clubs who are about to join the movement.

AKHV is a full national member of FIVA and for FIVA it cooperates with other FIVA members from the Czech Republic.

The AKHV has singned long-term contracts with czech FIVA National Authority /ANF) "Federace klubu historickych vozidel CR" and with "Asociace klubu historickych vozidel v Autoklubu CR". Thanks to the contracts testing committees of clubs affiliated with the AKHV can carry out vehicle testing for historical origin according to FIVA Technical Code rules

Czech Republic

Association of Veteran Car Clubu (AVCC)

Contact Details:

Opletalova 29, 110 00 Praha, 1
