Prix de la culture en 2019


At the 2019 annual FIVA General Assembly in Limassol, Cyprus, the CC awarded the winners of the three categories.The FIVA Culture Commission selected three excellent submissions as the winners of 2019. The task was difficult due to the fact we have received applications from all over the world, from Inda to Africa, in total 12 applications all exceptional, ambitious, and important.1) RESEARCH CATEGORY:

The “Camillo Castiglioni” project included an ambitious research project linked to the man himself, but through his life and work highlighted an important historical aspect of the development of motoring in the 1900s in Trieste and Europe. It embraces an important international dimension due to multiple organisers, among which the Municipality of Trieste, Moto Club Trieste and Fondazione Franco Bardelli, BMW Group and FIVA. It is an exceptional research project, which leads to tangible effects in the enhancement of cultural and technical mobile heritage worldwide.

As a young man Camillo Castiglioni (1879 – 1957) reveals an excellent business sense, succeeding, within a few years, in paving his way and accumulating a conspicuous patrimony, the result of bold investments and various mediation of fiduciary nature. In 1909, he acquires the majority package of Austro-Daimler, whose chief designers are Johann Puch and the engineer Ferdinand Porsche. In 1914, he buys the aeronautical company Hansa-Brandenburg who employs Ernst Heinkel as chief designer. He also founded the Deutsche Aero-Gesellschaft Ag and the following year the Hansa und Brandenburgische Fliegerwerke GmbH, which becomes the largest German aircraft manufacturer. In 1917, Camillo Castiglioni entered the capital of BMW, taking a leading role in the revival of what was still a small company, and in 1918, at the end of the war, Castiglioni buys all the quotas of BMW from the other shareholders, who without military orders thought that the company would not have a future. BMW thus becomes a capital company with Castiglioni as the sole owner. In the early 20s of the twentieth century, Castiglioni is one of the richest men in Europe, a man who loves to be admired and usually goes to the theatre with a driver in a livery in his personal car purchased by the Kaiser.

2) DEDICATED SERVICE by INDIVIDUALS or ORGANISATIONS: Trondhejmsridtet 1919 (Norway) displayed exceptional commitment and dedication over several years in organising the commemoration and celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the first Norwegian motorcycle rally.

This is a Revival of the first long-distance speed trial for motorcycles held in Norway.

The rally is 1250 km long and follows more or less the same roads used in the old days (1919-1924). The route takes the participants up to Trondheim and back, driving on small roads, often with a gravel surface, from sea level to the highest point at 1.200 meters. In total, 105 motorcycles drove the route. This year a lot of sidecar outfits were participating as well as 20 passengers on the saddle. The oldest motorcycle was a 1916 Harley-Davidson and the younger was dated 1945. The participants came from different parts of Europe as England, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Nederland, and Norway. Also, a participant from Australia was registered though he is living in Sweden at the moment. During the years the NVMC has collected information of the rallies from 1919 to 1924 that was published in the national magazine of the Vintage Motorcycle Club in Norway.

The dedication of the club to organise the event was fantastic. In June 2010 a small group of enthusiasts started to discuss how to raise the awareness of the oldest motorcycles. In 2012 the first test run was held, with participants by invitation only. This time the organizing group payed everything from their own pocket to get this event up and running. In 2014 the first rally open for ordinary applications was a success with participation from several European countries and even one from Canada. In 2016 the event celebrated the original organization “Norsk Motorcycle Klub”, later to be “Norsk Motorklubb” and the Norwegian representative in FIM. During this rally, it was an exhibition of pictures and text from the original rallies.

The  Club that has the same name as the event is cooperating with the Norwegian Veteran Motorcycle Club and is an ANF Club.

In 2019 the event was celebrating 100 years anniversary of the first rally.


Educational Program for Vehicle Restorers provided by the Interessengemeinschaft Fahrzeugrestaurator (IgF) in Switzerland for the outstanding initiatives related to education, training and the raising of awareness in the field of cultural and technical mobile heritage, with a focus on the promotion of the sustainable development of the environment. This association provides working standards in accordance to the FIVA Technical Code and the Charter of Turin, so collectors and owners can be sure to have their vehicles professionally preserved, restored, repaired and maintained. The program is coordinated with the national agency for education (SBFI) and finalized with a state-recognized exam (Berufsprüfung) and certificate, the Eidgenössische Fachausweis as vehicle restorer. The program is permanently developed and supplemented by free periodic workshops, organized for the members of IgFS, so also continuous training is provided for specialists already working in the trade. The vehicle restoration degree combines practical skills with in-depth theoretical knowledge and testifies the holder has all skills required for qualified professional work.